Top 10 Animals You didn’t know were Venomous


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Top 10 Animals You didn’t know were Venomous



There are many types of coral and a few of these have toxic chemicals that are not fully researched yet. The most deadly coral is the Palythoa. It can kill a rabbit with only a 25 nanogram injection. To kill a human would only take 4 micrograms. Palytoxin is considered one of the most toxic organic poisons. Symptoms of palythoa poisoning include chest-pains, difficulty breathing, racing pulse and low-blood pressure. Death occurs within minutes, and there is no treatment.

Well the poison of many animals, ex the spiders inside your house, that you dont even know you have :D are very toxic with an extremely lethal poison, but they cant pierce our skin :D, now how is that polithoa going to eject the poison ? to a human ?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12041061#post12041061 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
Well the poison of many animals, ex the spiders inside your house, that you dont even know you have :D are very toxic with an extremely lethal poison, but they cant pierce our skin :D, now how is that polithoa going to eject the poison ? to a human ?

I guess I should stop snacking on my palys when I'm rummaging through my tank then.....?
There goes that slow loris that I wanted for my birthday!

But anyway, kidding aside...palys!? I've got my tank 1/2 full of them! Guess I won't apply them to my open wounds anymore or hold them in my mouth when I'm fragging them.
Luckily, Palys are normally very docile creatures and only strike when extremely provoked.
Furthermore, the more generations that they are removed from the wild colonies, the more domesticated and trusting they become.
Still I would caution the unwary aquarist to keep their fingers away from the Palys' mouth when playing with them, especially the species with visible teeth.
Yea paly toxin is nothing to mess with. I heard of some guy fragging zoanthids and leaving the frag on the table and his dog ate it and died. He then accidently rubbed his eye after fragging and his eye swelled up to a baseball size.

Lesson of story, where gloves and eye goggles when fragging zoanthids.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12041992#post12041992 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
He then accidently rubbed his eye after fragging and his eye swelled up to a baseball size.

Dang, I'm gonna rub some of that stuff on my b...b...b...b....................wallet.:eek1:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12041992#post12041992 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
Yea paly toxin is nothing to mess with. I heard of some guy fragging zoanthids and leaving the frag on the table and his dog ate it and died. He then accidently rubbed his eye after fragging and his eye swelled up to a baseball size.

Lesson of story, where gloves and eye goggles when fragging zoanthids.



i heard the same but didnt hear about his eye. i know alot of you guys have had close calls fragging too, i know i have. where itll shoot a stream at you if you squeeze them the wrong way.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12041520#post12041520 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
What visible teeth John? you got me there ?? I am confused as a clown fish inside a hammer coral ?

You didn't know?!?
Paly's have very small mouths in the center.
The teeth are easier to see if you blow-up that photo at top like this:


Maybe you should stick to the beginner's corals like sps for a little while longer.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12044295#post12044295 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
You didn't know?!?
Paly's have very small mouths in the center.
The teeth are easier to see if you blow-up that photo at top like this:


Maybe you should stick to the beginner's corals like sps for a little while longer.

lmao! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I got a dose last week for the very first time. I am usually very careful with paly's. I was working with some, doing some research, and the phone rang. I got it and had to write something down. Hung up and forgot. Rubbed my eye and within minutes my eye was in real pain, no swelling. I got disoreintated and had to sit down for a while. Felt like I had taken about three percosets. I didn't feel right until the next day.

Be very careful!!