Tore Anemones Foot


Active member
I accidentally tore the foot off one of my RBTA's. Is there anything I can do or is it a gonner? It doesn't look good right now at all.
I would put it in a low flow area or a container of some sort to give the tissue a chance to heal if its possible.
Thx. That's exactly what I did. Hoping it heals but I'm afraid tecdiver is probably right. It was a really bad tear.
Wow. The nem looks a whole lot better today. She is in a container and is completely open but it hasn't attached itself to the container yet. The foot itself looks a bit better but still looks like the tentacles on an upside down jellyfish.

Still, I wasn't expecting it to open up so I'm hoping that's a good sign.
just a thought, take it for what it's worth, people divide nems by cutting through the center of the mouth and making two halves. The foot is cut in half, the nems survive and heal up. I have done this myself with success.
If your rbta does well and heals up great, if it starts to decline then take it to the chopping block and toss out the damaged side and hope for the best.
once again just a thought

I have had bta get sucked into a powerhead and survive, I have stuck my fingernail through the foot and lost them ??
Thanks guys. Its eating well. Fed it a half a cube of mysis and took it down. She might just make it.

As for the cutting it in half idea, not necessary now but even if I went that route, it'd be tough because it was pretty much the whole foot that was damaged. It looked like the whole thing stayed on the rock.
It looks like it's doing really well. Eating anything I feed it and opening up very nicely. I've noticed that its "tentacles(?)" have gotten thicker since the accident. Not sure why.

All that said, it still hasn't re-grown the foot. Normally a nem will secure itself to a surface right away. It's been in the container for 7 days and still hasn't stuck to the container.
If the whole foot was torn off it would be dead. Btas are incredibly tough and if their is still a small piece of the foot well the rest will eventually grow back. Good luck with it.
Well, not sure if it was whole foot or not but it sure left a lot behind - A perfect circle of tissue where it was footed.

On the nem itself, it looked like a bunch of white spaghetti strings. I've moved RBTAs before and had never seen that.

But yeah, so far, so good.

I'll be keeping it in the container for a while. At least until I see use it's foot again.
Think your in luck.

I know thus is not directly related, but I completely ripped off my clams foot and it's fine