In Memoriam
Just to let you guys know... anybody who is serous about keeping acros should have a generator..... Friday I got off of work, I had worked a double shift. I was home for about 20 minutes when the tornado siren began to sound... First time I ever heard it to be honest...... Then about 5 minutes later a storm hit my city like a freight train. 80mph winds... received 10 inches of rain in 24hrs which flooded the city. The storm spawned 3 tornados which added insult to injury. Needless to say power was out for 4 days. After 8hrs of no power the acro tank began to smell a little fowl so I hooked up the generator for my circulation and heating. It worked well... I would have started it sooner but after coming off 16hrs of work I crashed and awoke 8hrs later to my current tank predicament. I have since done 2 water changes and running carbon heavy. The 8hr pause allowed the tank temp to drop to 72 when it is regularly 78-79. I have only lost 1 frag, and my rainbow monti has died back approx 1/8 of an inch. Everything else looks stressed but I think will survive. This makes the second time in 2 years that we have lost power for a long time. The first was last year, the worst ice storm in recorded Ohio history... it knocked out the power for 11 days... I had no generator at that time, and lost all of the inhabitants of my 450 gallon acro tank.... approx. 120 acro colonies, and it equaled out to be approx. 15,000.00 in livestock. Some colonies 8-9 years old. So just as a friendly reminder that it can happen anywhere.... We have lost power around here only 2 times since I can remember (30 years) and it just happened to be 2 yrs back to back. Buy a generator...... 500.00 is not much in comparison to the monetary loss you can sustain with dead acro colonies!!!! This time I was prepared and my losses where minimal...