Toss it in the trash?


New member
I have too many Xenia stalks growing and I want to rips some out. How would I humanly dispose of them? I would feel guilty just flushing them or tossing them in the garbage.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7491760#post7491760 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by graveyardworm
Get em to attach to some LR rubble and trade them back to an LFS.

I agree. It is always a popular coral for newbies, and the lfs are usually happy to give you cash or credit for them. No reason to kill something others want!
Definitely call around to some LFS and find one that will at least give you store credit. I've taken lots of shrooms to mine and they're good about trading with me for new stuff and give me really good deals on other corals.
