I can see thru you!
I've been keeping sps for some years now, so i'm not a newbie. I have a nano and i checked the corals one night and all corals looked good, wake up next morning and the water was cloudy and a birds nest was completely white! I checked alk, ca, mg and they were 10, 420, 1300 respectively, thus normal. I did a 30% water change and by the end of the day i lost a monti cap, birds nest, orange digi, and stylophora all turning completely white, while several other acros had polyp extension and colorful. I had not changed anything, added anything, done anything different the night before. I waited 2 weeks before posting expecting to lose everything. That didnt happen, the rest of the sps showed no sign of stress, are colorful and polyp extension. Parameters are all same as above. I'm totally confused as to what could have happened.