VERY cool vid!
just to weigh in, way in my early SW days, i kept a picasso with a voliton for about 6 years w/no trouble. however, even tho the lion was target fed regularly, it couldn't help joining the "feeding frenzy" when the other fish were fed. one day, the trigger decided to dive in front of the lion and got stung full on its side. i saw it twitch once and within 5 mins it was floating helplessly on the surface of the tank. it finally was able to make it to the bottom of the tank, and the effects wore off within an hour.
all seemed fine, but i lost the trigger shortly thereafter (within a month). was it related? somehow i feel i may have been, but i DID develop a new respect for lionfish venom. i had the trigger for about 6 years and the lion was with me for over 10 years.
the trigger tended to think it was boss of the tank, but i guess it got a taste of "don't mess with that funny-looking quiet kid next door".