Hi all,
Hi I have a 150g fish only I had been working on a stocking list which included a snowflake eel and a pink tail trigger. Then I sort of got nervous with the trigger and eel idea. The eel is out, too much like a snake for me to even concider really . But the trigger I still want. My issue These are real meat eaters. What do you feed your trigger, exactly? Does it mess with you when you are cleaning the tank? They say it will eat small fish, but not my tomato clown or Bi-color angel, why not theyare not that big? You thoughts and comments are welcome.. Thanks, Joanne
Hi I have a 150g fish only I had been working on a stocking list which included a snowflake eel and a pink tail trigger. Then I sort of got nervous with the trigger and eel idea. The eel is out, too much like a snake for me to even concider really . But the trigger I still want. My issue These are real meat eaters. What do you feed your trigger, exactly? Does it mess with you when you are cleaning the tank? They say it will eat small fish, but not my tomato clown or Bi-color angel, why not theyare not that big? You thoughts and comments are welcome.. Thanks, Joanne