Triton Says Iodine = 0....

So I did start dosing some Iodide (not iodine). I must say i have noticed some improvement. Mostly what I am seeing is better polyp extension from a couple corals. In particular my garf bonsai that had almost no polyps showing is now starting to look more normal. Another one of my acros is also showing substantially better coloration AND extension. Im going to continue dosing....unfortunately I screwed up my test kit today like an idiot by accidentally dumping one of the liquid reagents. the kit did confirm zero iodine before, and it also a normal level after dosing. Unfortunately I didnt get a chance to really discover my daily/weekly absorption rate.

One other thing to note.....for the first time ever I have had to start dosing alk/ca between water changes. So the tank IS growing now. I cant 100% pin it to the iodide, but it is a damn big coincidence if nothing else, because the tank has been a real PITA since day one. One other change I made recently was how i was running my Po4 remover. I was running it along with my carbon and I was noticing it was clogging up the carbon bag and flow was reducing to like 25% of what i wanted. Since then i have removed the carbon and running the po4 remover solo so that it doesnt slow the flow. I am hoping this does a better job stripping Po4. I am STILL having a hell of a hair algae problem, so i need to continue aggressive p04 removal.
So I did start dosing some Iodide (not iodine). I must say i have noticed some improvement. Mostly what I am seeing is better polyp extension from a couple corals. In particular my garf bonsai that had almost no polyps showing is now starting to look more normal. Another one of my acros is also showing substantially better coloration AND extension. Im going to continue dosing....unfortunately I screwed up my test kit today like an idiot by accidentally dumping one of the liquid reagents. the kit did confirm zero iodine before, and it also a normal level after dosing. Unfortunately I didnt get a chance to really discover my daily/weekly absorption rate.

One other thing to note.....for the first time ever I have had to start dosing alk/ca between water changes. So the tank IS growing now. I cant 100% pin it to the iodide, but it is a damn big coincidence if nothing else, because the tank has been a real PITA since day one. One other change I made recently was how i was running my Po4 remover. I was running it along with my carbon and I was noticing it was clogging up the carbon bag and flow was reducing to like 25% of what i wanted. Since then i have removed the carbon and running the po4 remover solo so that it doesnt slow the flow. I am hoping this does a better job stripping Po4. I am STILL having a hell of a hair algae problem, so i need to continue aggressive p04 removal.

Hope it continues!

What iodide are you dosing?
So I did start dosing some Iodide (not iodine). I must say i have noticed some improvement. Mostly what I am seeing is better polyp extension from a couple corals. In particular my garf bonsai that had almost no polyps showing is now starting to look more normal. Another one of my acros is also showing substantially better coloration AND extension. Im going to continue dosing....unfortunately I screwed up my test kit today like an idiot by accidentally dumping one of the liquid reagents. the kit did confirm zero iodine before, and it also a normal level after dosing. Unfortunately I didnt get a chance to really discover my daily/weekly absorption rate.

One other thing to note.....for the first time ever I have had to start dosing alk/ca between water changes. So the tank IS growing now. I cant 100% pin it to the iodide, but it is a damn big coincidence if nothing else, because the tank has been a real PITA since day one. One other change I made recently was how i was running my Po4 remover. I was running it along with my carbon and I was noticing it was clogging up the carbon bag and flow was reducing to like 25% of what i wanted. Since then i have removed the carbon and running the po4 remover solo so that it doesnt slow the flow. I am hoping this does a better job stripping Po4. I am STILL having a hell of a hair algae problem, so i need to continue aggressive p04 removal.

Great news! I've been dosing iodide for weeks and haven't been able to pin down the daily dose yet. Lol.

PE is definitely better when iodide is consistently present in the system at a minimum of 0.06ppm.

Interesting about the demand for cal and alk. I had the same experience. Had to up my kalk dosage once iodide was present in the system.

Good luck and keep us posted on the progress!

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