trouble cleaning 6100


Premium Member
Hi Roger, one of my 6100's started alarming. Tried to take it apart for cleaning and the impellor won't budge at all. In the process of soaking the thing, but do you have any ideas? I'd like to take it apart for a more thorough cleaning. The other one comes apart very easily. Thanks, Chuck.
It is locked up with lime deposits, whatever you do, DO NOT use strong acids, nothing beyond vinegar. Try soaking it over night, if this doesn't get it send it to me. Using a strong acid will cause the plastic to swell and then it will be near impossible to remove.
I have this same situation with mine, Chuck, soaking in vinegar over night has worked 100 % of the time so far.
BTW 100% vineagar or is diluted fine? I ran out of vineagar so had to add water to make up enough volume to cover the thing.
OK, the impellor will come out past the brakes now....still won't come all the way out.....patience....patience....
OK- if a longer soak doesn't get it my advice is to crack the shaft off and thread a 1" #6 screw through the plastic core of the magnet then grab this with pliers and twist and pull. Short of this drilling it out will be the only way and this is a real pain you need titanium bits and you have step up in 1/16" increments until it is gone, you also need a drill with a stop so you don't go to far. The drive units are always changing to be more and more resistant to lime and the newest ones I would say are nearly impervious as a lot of design changes have occured in the past 6 months. If you notice there aren't as many complaints about this as there used to be.
Roger, PM me w/your address. If this thing doesn't come apart in the morning I'm mailing it in.