Troubles with recent yellow tang purchases


New member
So it looks like I'm about to lose my second yellow tang in very much the same fashion. Buy from LFS looking healthy and feisty. Eats everything from day one, but never gains weight and in fact gets skinnier and skinnier. First one I had a couple months and didn't notice until it was too late and it died a few days later. Never showed any signs of disease and fitted in well with all the other fishes. This one I've also had a couple months and noticed it was losing weight a few weeks ago so I ordered some prazipro thinking it's an internal parasite and dose the whole tank about 10 days ago. No signs of disease on him or any other fish.

Was I just too late with medication or is it possible they were caught with cyanide? Each was bought at a different LFS. Anyone else recently buy a yellow tang? What has your experience been?
Nori, pellets, flakes, LRS. He ate it all. Still hanging in there but starting today, no longer pecking at rocks, barely eating, and hovers in a low flow area.
I've purchased and introduced about 4-5 yellows the past 2 months for clients tanks. All are currently doing well, but I did QT for about 3 wks before introduction to main. I've been using HyperCure in QT followed by half dose of Medics in main display (reef) after introduction. These yellows were purchased healthy, so didn't use copper/prazi pro or any harsh meds.

I hope you used praszi pro in your QT, not your reef :)
Francis, I don't QT. I have in the past, but don't anymore. Personal choice.

Prazipro is considered reef safe although the manufacturer doesn't recommend it. I did have a few shrooms closed up for a few days, but back to normal now.

Please post an update on those client's tangs if anything changes.
My guess is it was too late to help. All my fish go through a 30 day QT minimum. All large fish get prazi for week 3 and then another week of observation. I only treat with other meds if needed as my understanding is prazi is on the gentle side for most fish. Since I have been doing this I have had a huge improvement in success rate with tangs, angels, BF, and even Morrish Idol.
I am really sorry to hear about your YT. I love them personally.

They are one of the most underrated fish, just because they are so common. If you asked random people people to choose between a YT, Gem, Purple or Black tang, my guess is that the majority of the people will pick the YT. They get noticed in my tank.

I think a school of YTs would be really awesome.
Well, the tang has passed. I mainly made this thread to see if anyone else had troubles recently with yellow tangs. My understanding is they are no longer being shipped from Hawaii and I was concerned about them being caught with cyanide in other parts of the world. So far these were the only tangs I've ever lost.
Francis, I don't QT. I have in the past, but don't anymore. Personal choice.

Prazipro is considered reef safe although the manufacturer doesn't recommend it. I did have a few shrooms closed up for a few days, but back to normal now.

Please post an update on those client's tangs if anything changes.

Yeah, I noticed a higher success rate with QT, but not the end of the world if you don't QT.
We had a few bad experienced in the past with dosing parzipro in a reef main display, so we stopped. We use medics as we had good success with it.
So far, all the tangs are doing great a pretty fat!
Well, the tang has passed. I mainly made this thread to see if anyone else had troubles recently with yellow tangs. My understanding is they are no longer being shipped from Hawaii and I was concerned about them being caught with cyanide in other parts of the world. So far these were the only tangs I've ever lost.

sorry to hear!
hope the case is not true about the increase of tangs/fish being caught with cyanide. we will only see higher percentage of fish death in the hobby :furious: