Trying to figure out what I need

ac green

New member
I have a new system up and running and am trying to figure out what I will need to control the following

2 - metal halides each on separate ballasts
2 - t5s each on separate ballasts (4 bulbs each)
The fixtures are the Elos planet 2's and i think they come with Ice Cap ballasts, so I don't think dimming is an option. I would like 1 t5 to come on, then 30 minutes later the next t5, followed by 1 Mh then the last. Same when shutting down the lights in reverse order. Nothing too fancy.

Temp controller to turn on fans and turn on MH's once a specific temp is reached. The system is controlled with a chiller with built in heater.

Ph Monitor to turn on/off CO2 solenoid when specific PH's are reached

Conductivity is a plus but not necessary.

Fuge light on a timer

SMS or emails on certain instances would be nice. I assume the sms feature is enabled for GSM phones only which I am not on, CDMA for me.

Ability to hookup to a lan would be nice especially if I can control/monitor from anywhere in the world.

Anything else you would suggest or am I missing anything.

Look forward to your response.
Check out the Lan or Elite packages.

If you went with the LAN package I would add a couple of high amp power bars for your metal halides.

The Elite package would only require one high amp and has all kinds of goodies included in it. Two PH probes and ports, salinity, orp, ect.......

Each High amp uses a plug on the digital power bar so you may need to add an extra digital power bar if it looks like you will run out of sockets.

Of course you can order ala carte as well and get only what you know you will need.
From what you have descibed you do have about 4 options, I will break them down for you

1. The $599 pack deal.
Very cheap way to get into ProfiLux but you would then have to accessories to get to the level of equipment you want.

2. The Professional plus LAN pack,
This has a more higher level of accessories and due to the fact pre packed accessories work out to about 12% cheaper than buying seperate this could be a better option

3. The elite pack
Yes this is your best bet, although the most expensive pack you get so much included, taking everything into account you get about 20% discount.

4. Have cherry Corals build you a system that suits your exact needs, we give all dealers this option so a client only gets equipment to their exact requirements.

If you need more technical advise please drop us a line, we can then work with you to get your requirements set and then Todd at cherry corals can work with you based on this.

Hope that helps
Thanks for all the replies.

AQD - can you PM me your number. Would love to chat about the different options and details.
