My first tank a 90 gallon, a month into the hobby,about a week from putting inverts in. After three hours of hard yardwork, it's 11 o'clock at night just finished dinner my daughter says what's this tornado in the fish tank. I knew the water in my sump was low and I needed to add more due to being new to this hobby I had just experienced this a few days earlier. I go to add more water open my cabinet doors below my tank that house my sump and there's water coming out of the precut hole where the PVC goes from my sump to my tank. It wasn't coming from the connections from the PVC but somewhere else dripping at a decent rate. My tank had cracked I realized. I grab a flower vase start catching the water my daughter and wife are relaying pots back-and-forth from the sink. Now the water is starting to overflow my sump because I can't catch it all so my daughter starts getting water out of the sump into the pots while my wife is running back-and-forth to the sink. This went on for about 2 1/2 hours. Maybe longer until all the water was out of my tank luckily I had no livestock yet in my tank. Every towel I own was wet luckily got all the water off the hardwood floor. There's a lot more to the story that I'm sure at some point I will go into better depth on the forums but all I'm saying is I can relate.