TS-48 Kit with Tunze Wave Box


New member
Hi there.

I am currently running an old style TS-48 kit on my 72X30X30 reef and just picked up a Tunze wavebox at a great deal. Anyone out there have any advice as to how I should run these together to maximize the effect. I am currently running the 6101s in the 4 corners of the tank and was planning to put the wavebox between the 2 6101s at one end of the tank. Will the 6101s lessen the wave effect at all.

If the pumps are aimed at the outflow of the wavebox they will reduce the wave height and you may see a small gain from pumps on the same side and a small loss with pumps on the opposite side, I would probably use interval 2 with a 6hr interval and alternate between sides and run the wavebox continuously.
Thanks Roger. Could you please be a little more specific about the settings on the 7094 multicontroller (ie. pulse setting, interval setting and mode setting).
The 7094 doesn't have Interval 2, so I would just use Interval and a 6 hour interval. You would set mode to interval, pulse would really be up to you but 3 seconds from 30-100% would probably be best and for interval I believe the old 7094 had a switch setting of .2hr- 12hrs and you would then turn the knob roughly half way to 6 hrs. The knob would set the range from .2-12hrs.