ts12 doesn´t work properly


New member
Hello there, I have a Ts12 kit and have a strange issue with it..
No problems when you don´t exceed it´s 50% flow capacity..
In other words it works properly till the flow rate of like 6000 -7000L/h but when I exceed that flow rate it suddenly stops.
Do you have any ideas about the problem?

I live in Turkey so it's quite hard for me to send the kit to us..
On your website there is wholesaler adress which seems to appear in Turkey(MarineLife) .. Can they help me?
Is this a TS12 kit with a 6101 pump? If so I think the pump is the problem. If you bought it from Marine Life they should be able to help. Otherwise I would send it to the factory in Germany for replacement.
Yes, it's a 6101..I bought it 2nd hand and don´t know if the old owner bought it from MarineLife but I can possibly learn it..
If it wasn't bought from MarineLife but still under warranty are they able to change it..?If not, is there a serial number to sort out if it's still under warranty or not before I send it to Germany..
and are you sure it is the pump.. I mean if there is a possiblity of the problem being adaptor instead of the pump I would be glad to buy another adaptor and keep the pump running properly..
Sorry about many questions
Yes, this would be a pump problem, the pump has a date code stamped on the back, it is 3 numbers, series, quarter, year.
Hello there,
I´ve examined the back of the pump and the date code is "218"
I´ve also reached the old owner he said that he had upgraded his ts 12 to ts24.. and one of the 6101s was bought from MarineLife and the other one was not..He has no idea about which one he sold me.. So is there any way to solve my problem with your wholesaler in my country.. Or should I send your defective product internationally(Germany) to benefit your 2 year warranty???:confused:
I think the best solution is to send it to the factory in Germany, you should contact them first by phone or email.