Tunze 1073.110 as a return pump


New member
I have 375 gallon tank and 140 gallon sump. The top of the tank sits about 5-6' above the floor (the pump will be in the sump which sits on the floor).

The output of the pump is 1.5". I'm using it as a return from the sump. I'm looking for the best way to plumb the pump. I'm thinking 2 returns each 3/4". Is that enough? I could create more returns if 2 isn't enough with 3/4" pvc but I want to stick with 3/4" unless you think I'll get better flow with a larger size return.
From the chart I linked in your other post as well as feedback, it is a huge recuction to go from 1.5" to 2 * 3/4", the closest to no restriction would be 3 1", but 2 1" is definitely better than 2 3/4", these pumps are high flow and low pressure and restriction greatly reduces the output.
That is a great chart, thanks of the link Roger!


I will go 3 or 4 returns of 1". I got so use to using low flow submersible pumps that I just assumed 2 small returns was good enough.

I use to have a reeflo hammerhead with 6 returns on my old tank, and I liked multiple returns with surface agitation but hated when seals failed. Now I have an Eheim 1262 with a single return and it is just not cutting it. Sounds like the 1073.110 will push some serious water, can't wait to try it out!
I got the pump today and I'm very impressed!
As always the Tunze build quality is great!

There is a plastic handle built into the back of the pump so it is very easy to move around in your sump and to lift it out of the water if needed.

I also really like that it has rubber feet instead of suction cups which is much better and more practical to move the pump around. The rubber feet do a good job dampening the sound.

The pump is slightly quieter than my bubble blaster 5000 on my skimmer. Not completely silent if that is what you are looking for but really good considering how much water this thing moves.
Comparing a skimmer pump to a return pump is not the same but when I ran the Tunze in my sump there was a small hum but nothing compared to reeflo external pumps I've had in the past and the noise is so quiet I'm guessing it would be muffled if I had my sump under a tank stand with a little insulation.
The only thing I wish it had was a plastic intake housing to protect the pump from sucking small debris into the impeller. There is a tremendous amount of water being drawn in and I can easily see something being sucked up.
Be very careful about debris entering the pump, it will damage it, the magnet is a coated neodymium magnet and if the coating is damaged, it will corrode. The impeller can also be stripped off the magnet if something stops it suddenly. We do have a strainer piece but we don't include it as it is assumed most of these pumps will be run external where it would not work.


Their are many 3rd party options for intake strainers in 1.5" as well.
Be very careful about debris entering the pump, it will damage it, the magnet is a coated neodymium magnet and if the coating is damaged, it will corrode. The impeller can also be stripped off the magnet if something stops it suddenly. We do have a strainer piece but we don't include it as it is assumed most of these pumps will be run external where it would not work.


Their are many 3rd party options for intake strainers in 1.5" as well.

That is disapointing, why sell an internal pump and not include the strainer :confused:
I sent you a pm to order one.
The majority of users use it externally, the size and volume of flow excede what most in sump applications will permit, it would vortex if not deeply submerged and your average sump has a fairly shallow pump section. While it is submersible, that is not often practical simply due to the sheer size of the pump and the flow level.

I also mispoke earlier as I forgot that their is a strainer inside that would protect the magnet itself from debris, only jamming the impeller is an actual risk.
I ordered the strainer. What you say makes sense about how most people would not use such a large pump internally. I appreciate the help.
running the 1073.110 for my return on my 250 gal peninsula tank. I do have it set up for 2 x 3/4 in return lines and I did install a bypass line in case the flow was a bit heavy.

I did end up using the bypass, the pump pushes a huge amount of water but I am happy with it. It makes a slight humming sound which I can hear from my sump with my tank panels attached that enclose the sump, but I like Tunze quality and in a return pump I wanted something that I know will last and is reliable.

I do not have a filter for the intake yet either, maybe I should think about getting one after reading your discussion here.