Tunze 6025 runs backward - help


New member
I have a Tunze 6025 that I want to use with my Reef Keeper Lite.
My problem is that if I put my controller in standby the Tunze restarts backward and does not reverse itself in 2-3 minutes. I then have to shut all the power off to get the pump to spin properly.

It is a new pump bought today but I think I got very old stock as the instructions are from 2007 but who knows.

I need to reliably have this pump restart.

It is connected to the #4 outlet on the ReefKeeper PC4 power bar which is the low power solid state outlet.

Suggestions ?
I am not familiar with the Reefkeeper. I would test it on a regular outlet, it is not intended for use on a wavemaker and it may be that the power output is low or slowly ramped up, this could be a cause. The usual culprit is that a small amount of vaseline is used in a factory test run and if too much is used the drive unit is basically glued down, you just need to wipe off the excess vaseline. The last manual revision was 03/2009, but prior to this 04/2008 and 08/2007 and 08/2006 editions were printed. Any pump with a manual after 08/2007 should have the titanium alloy shaft and most of the current features. It could have the old clamp that was prone to breakage and the stainless steel disk, which were problem areas. The most it should need to bring it to current specs is a clamp, drive unit and disk.
still running backward

still running backward

Thank you for the quick reply

I have plugged the Tunze directly into the wall and every 2nd restart it runs backward. I have pull the drive unit and wiped the shaft. I did not notice a disc at the bottom but did not look hard.

The shaft is shiny chrome looking and my manual is 08/2007.

I like the flow but I cannot shut the Tunze down to feed the fish and I'm afraid that a small power failure could have dire results

If the bottom of the impeller assembly is black, you have the latest version, the shaft would definitely be the titanium alloy on that model. I am pretty certain it is either the vaseline or you have the old drive unit and need the new drive unit and disk. I only handle the US parts and repairs so for that you would need to contact Xenia or your dealer.