tunze 6045 ticking noise


Premium Member
my tunze 6045 which has recently been serviced started making a ticking noise today. I just shut it off. Do you suggest i give it a vinegar bath? or do you have any known solutions to this problem?
What do you mean by recently serviced? You cleaned it, or sent it for repair? How old is the pump overall? This will help me understand what could be the cause.
My 6045 was one of the older pumps so it got replaced with the newer pumps with titanium shafts. I received it brand new from you maybe a half a year or more ago but i have only just started using it now for about 2-3 weeks.

If there aren't any known problems about the pump doing this, I am just going to give it a vinegar bath and hope for the best.
OK, probably the cause is just that it is new, maybe it has some air inside or some vaseline from factory testing. I might just let it run for a week or so. This should go away, is the ticking noise only on start up?
I would check that it is clean and check that the propeller is not damaged. Can you PM me your full name so I can look up the repair?