Tunze 6055 barely spinning


New member
I've got two 6055's one of which seems to be broken. The prop turns but at a snails pace, just a few rotations every 10 seconds or so. It was soaked recently and there doesn't appear to be anything jammed inside. Any ideas as to what could be causing this? Solutions?
try to remove the impeller. while holding the magnet base end, does the prop spin freely or does it engage at some point and stay locked?
Remove the pump and take apart, Clean all parts and Inspect for damage If none found call Roger Vitgo or send him an E-mail describing the problem and he will advise to how to handle the problem. He Is fantastic taking care of any warranty Issues or problems with their products. Second to none!
Make sure the props are firmly attached to the magnets, otherwise the magnet can spin and the prop slips. Also be sure the power supply is turned up to the full 24V.