Tunze 6105 shaft question


New member
While cleaning a pair of Tunze 6105s to put them up for sale, I noticed one had an impeller shaft permanently mounted to the motor, and the other did not. Doing some research, I see that the older models had removable shafts. However, the center of the impeller appears to be filled.

Did the shaft break off and get sealed into the impeller?

What would be required to get this fixed? Or, is it not fixable?

The pump runs fine as far as I can tell, although, looking back, I do remember one of them rattling a bit every now and again..

They were purchased 12-1-11.




It broke off but this is only possible if the metal had a defect. Send it in and we will repair it. Include a note with your return address and phone number.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753