Tunze 6200 impeller's problem


Active member

Does/did any one have the same problem with this impeller? Physically it looks good, the magnet part shows no crack or wore out sign and the blades are in perfect shape but it does not push any water and I know it's not the motor block because I swapped the other impeller it works fine. Could this be a defective impeller?

Loc, I need more information, do you have 6200.700, or 6100.600 drive units? If you upgraded to 6200.700 and did not change the bush bearing and upper bearing this would cause it to not run as the bearings were different on 6100.600.
It's an older model, 6200.10 brown body, so do I need to order another impeller?

If it still has the original drive unit it came with, I would guess it is likely worn out so the brakes are slipping and letting the prop free spin. A new 6200.700 should solve the problem.