Tunze 6205 Problems


New member
I have a tunze 6205 that is connected to a 7095 and it will pulse during the cycle.

When I unplug it, it only will pluse as well?

Any help would be great.

It could be a fault of the motor but this could also be caused by a sticking drive unit. I would first check that the prop and magnet spin freely and move freely up and down on the metal shaft. Calcium and fine debris can jam them together so it has to drag the shaft which will result in jumpy movement.
I checked the shaft tonight and it is clean. I will watch it a couple days and see how it goes. I do not think it made any difference.

Keep me posted, if the motor is faulty, we will replace it. Please make sure that if you disconnect it from the controller though that you disconnect the controller cable at the pump, a bad cable could cause this.
Hello Roger,

I replaced the cord with my other pump and it is still doing the same pulsing action. I have cleaned the prop shaft with no change in reuslts.
