Tunze 9005 not skimming


New member
I just picked up a Tunze DOC 9005. I can't get it to skim if my life depended on it. I cleaned the pump, checked the air line to see if it was crimped. Even check the top where it connects and nothing. It is filled to the blue line. I'm losing it.
While I am not extremely knowledgable maybe I can get a little info for Roger who will be on during the day and likely can answer more. Is this a new or used skimmer? Is it foaming at all or does it just not rise up the neck? How long has it been running for and how long has tank been going etc...?
The unit was bought used.. I starts foaming but it seems to be big bubbles not fine. Yes it gets to the lowest point of the neck on the collection cup but that is it. I left it running on a 20G tank for 24 hours with 500+ snails and nothing. I know there is a heavy bio load in that tank.
Appears Roger did not sign on today, he may be off for the holiday but since it was used and only been running a short time it may just need to rebreak in if it is assembled correctly. When you say large bubbles I assume you mean at the top of the foam at the bottom of the neck where it is now? Are you able to provide a picture?
Yes the top of the foam is in the bottom of the neck.. I'll try to take pics later.. When you say break in period? More then 24 hours? My ASM skimmer cleaned the tank up quick..
I have seen skimmers take days or even a week to break in properly, but it can be appllication or water as much as the skimmer itself. Anthing that can effect surface tension and the like will effect how the the bubbles react to one other or other surfaces. If there is a fair amount of bubbles yet they appear to be breaking quickly and not making a head there is a chance that is all it is. Another thing is if there is a fair amount of particulate matter in the water column this can help well hinder foam from forming.

Does it seem any better at all tonight than it did last night? From memory the door at the bottom not being seated right or fully can hinder performace.

Possibly based on this the venturi might be cause

Large bubbles would generally mean one of two things, the venturi is dirty, or the water is low in salt. Assuming you have it in a reef tank, I would go with the venturi issue and disassemble it and clean it, a lot of times if things are not thoroughly cleaned before storage the mixture of dried salt and detritus really cakes up inside the skimmer and it needs a thorough disassembly and cleaning.
I went threw the whole skimmer. Soaked it in vinegar and cleaned it inside and out. Still the same. Salinity is 1.026
Do you have a pic or a part # for the nozzle so I can check it out next? Is it part # 9002.400? Another thing I noticed was water in the silencer? Is there suppose to be water in this unit?
I do but RC doesn't have a photo gallery anymore that I can find, if you PM me your email I will email pics. 3130.130, is the part for a 9005, 9002.400 is for the 9002.
Is this it? 3130.130

Yes, 3130.160 is the actual venturi, if you look at this seperate part you can see how it comes apart for cleaning.
The piece in the second picture should be removed from the piece in the first picture for cleaning. I think the best option is to send in the skimmer for a thorough once over. Usually these problems result from a few very minor problems combined.