tunze 9010 and ozone


New member
Can the the tunze 9010 resist ozone degradation? If I use ozone in my 9010 will it void the warranty on the skimmer?
The 9010 is ozone safe, now with that said, all plastics do harden and degrade over time when exposed to ozone, it is a question of dose and duration. For the skimmer to work well and last a full life with ozone as well as for your own safety I would recommend adding no more than 1mg/hr per 20 gallons. This is enough to clarify the water, but not to act as a sterilant. If you are trying to use ozone as a sterilant, a purpose built reactor is your best option, high doses of ozone will make the plastic brittle within a few years and basically result in no skimming.
I set up my 9010 as an internal skimmer. At the dosage you recommended, do I need to use activated carbon? If so how do I set up the GAC onto the 9010?
At this low dose the ozone should be thoroughly decomposed by the reactions with compounds in the water. If you smell ozone I would lower the dose. There is no way to add carbon to remove any ozone vented through the cup, you could use some after the skimmer but I doubt any significant quantity will remain in the water. I have used 1mg/hr per gallon before to combat algae and this created problems, I had migraines and the air smelt strong of ozone, but at even a quarter that dose I had no problem.
This is my setup so far
Air-Pod 3 Air Pump -> air dryer ->Aquazone plus 100-> Tunze 9010

I notice that the air coming into the 9010 is very weak. I do a test where I dip the tube end (the end just before attaching to the 9010 nipple) barely into the water and I do not see any air bubble coming out. It only produces air when its above water surface. Is this too weak of an ozone flow to the 9010?
I would suspect the air dryer may be clogged or have a plug in it from shipping. They usually cap the air hose ends and with how humid it is in Houston, I would expect the airdryer to need recharging every day, when wet the media will generally clog the air intake.
I sold my ozone generator. I used it for a few months at 2mg/hr in my 40g tank with an in tank 9010. It did clarify the water well but even at that low dose I could smell it. The fish would also scratch as if their gills were being irritated by the O3. It just made me nervous so I discontinued using it. Occasional carbon does the job for me now.