Tunze 9010 not working


New member
Roger - I know you are in Germany but perhaps another owner or when you get a chance you can give me some guidance on my 9010 protein skimmer. It is submerged in my sump (about 5-6 inches) and has been working like a champ since new last summer/fall but I recently emptied the cup (300 ml) and deceided to give it a cursory cleaning. When I reassembled and started it up again it does not fill with H2O. The upright pipe with the bubble deflector only gets H2O to about one inch from the top and there is no ejection of H2O out the back. I can look down and see the foam but it is about 3 inches below the bottom of the cup. In the past when I have done this it immediately fills up and begins working.
Please advise when you get a chance.
Thanks, Marty
There are 2 possibilities, the bottom plate is not on all the way (the one with the suction cup feet) or the coupler between the pump and intake grate is not on properly or was left out. These are critical to sealing the unit enough for pressure to build up and the water level to rise in the skimmer.
Roger - thanks for taking the time to answer me. You are absolutely correct in your solution: the bottom plate was askew not more than a millimeter and as soon as I got that back in place all is well. Life is good.
Hope you are enjoying Deutschland. I used to go every year on business to the Frankfurt Bookfair and always stayed a little longer to hang out in some new places.
Thanks again,
I did get see the Botanical Gardens in Munich this time and it was really impressive. I can't say I have ever seen anything that could rival it. The aquatic plants display alone was just amazing.