Tunze "blue box" Noises


Premium Member
I have a pair of 6000 tunze's on the multi-controller. I also am using the photo cell. Last night I heard a strange squealing coming from the stand of my tank. I tracked it down to one of the blue boxes that the power head itself plugs into and then to the controller. It sounds almost like an electrical buzzer or tone. It seems to cycle on and off every 15 seconds or so, kind of ramping up to a loud tone, then silencing. Sorry for the poor description of the noise, but hard to explain. If this is something that the unit has to be returned for service, what is the procedure. The boxes or ballasts have never been wet, mounted vertically inside the cabinet, away from humidity. Only one of the power heads is making this noise. I am going to plug it back in after the lights are on and see if it makes the noise at a specific velocity setting or on the high or low side. All pumps and the controller are less than 3 months old, purchased through a local wholesaler and I am not sure where he got them from. Possibly champion. If there is anything I can do to troubleshoot and maybe avoid having to ship the units, I am more than willing to try. They are currently on a 225 and opposite ends facing upward and towards the front of the rock structure.

The manual details this. The blue box contains an alarm which notifies you that the pump is not running optimally. The drive unit- magnet with prop- is dirty or fouled with calcium and you need to service it and the alarm will stop when it is clean and properly running. It sounds like the pump is just starting to get dirty so it is only at lower power that you have trouble.
Great news. Thanks for the quick reply. I will pull the pump and give her a soak.

Thanks again.
ps- never thought to check the manual. doh....