Tunze Fuses


New member
I am looking for replacement fuses for an older 6105 power source - its says 9935 on it. I have two of these pumps that I bought used and had a fuse blow on one tonight (I believe - switched power cords to rule out other issues.)

Anyone know where to find these? The newer fuses for my 6105 and 6055 seem to not fit properly. They go in but don't seat properly and I don't believe they will work properly with the pump.

I am going out of town next week so was hoping to be able to find something local if possible. Is this something a radio shack might have?

Thanks in advance
They are actually just a resistor that sets the voltage, usually these will not be involved in a dead power supply and the jumpers are no longer available for these older power supplies (we used these from 2007-Feb 2010). Given the age, the best bet is to replace it, the power supplies usually last 4 years and I would assume they have just failed, part 6105.240 is the current equivalent. Any laptop power supply of 50W or more could work as well but it is hard to find models with changeable voltage most are 18V fixed. Usually the variable ones at Radio Shack or Frys are in the $70 range.
Thanks for the info - I thought that it was the fuse since I had pulled the plug between the power supply and powerhead during a movie (its pump cleaning time, so they were making some noise at higher power). When I went to plug everything back in, I could not get the pump to work.

Does that info add anything? Or do you still suggest picking up a new power supply?

Thanks again.
Given how old that model of power supply is, it would be more unusual if it still worked, these are just basic laptop style power supplies, they last 4 years or so, 6 is about the most I have seen. Nothing in the info you added would make me think otherwise and the power supplies cannot be repaired. If their is no light on where the jumper plugs in, pretty sure it is just a dead power supply.