Tunze Nano Skimmer help needed


I recently purchased a new DOC Skimmer 9002. It has been running for a about a month now and was producing foam and about 50ml of tea colored stuff a week. I had the adjustment open about a 1/4 turn. Tank is a 12 gallon mostly SPS.

The last couple of days I have not seen any foam produced by the skimmer. I have also noticed it has become noisy, actually alternates between noisy and quiet. I have opened the adjustment quite a few turns and am still seeing no foam coming up, though if I look down the tube I can see bubbles being produced.

I have recently stated zeovit and really need the skimmer working.
Thanks in advance for your help.
mine runs best with a little higher water level and twist to let more air i n more air more bubbles just turn a little wait 5-10 and turn more.
Thanks for the response.

I have the water level slightly below the line (less than 1/2"). This seems to be what is recommended by most people.

This was working before and all of a sudden no skimmate or foam is being produced anymore. I am wondering if something went bad on the unit and what I should check.
After taking everything apart, rinsing with hot water and putting things back in as indicated in the manual, I seem to be get foam and skimmate again.

Does the skimmer need to be cleaned every month? The manual says it should be cleaned this way only once a year.
It generally can go 4-6 months between cleaning in a reef tank, a year is only advisable in a fish only where calcium levels are lower. My guess would be some dust from the zeovit accumulated in the skimmer body and was interfering with the skimming. Sediments tend to have a strong impact on the skimmer.