Tunze Osmolator Problem

Salty Brother

New member
I am having problems with my top off system. The "too high" sensor will not shut the alarm off when it is at its lowest point and causes the alarm to constantly be on. Here is a picture, would you possibly know what is wrong?
This is my brother and my part, he's helping me watch the tank for a while as I'm moving. Just to clairfy, the top part holding the float broke off during the move. We've tried fipping the float as seen in the pic and the other direction, neither made a difference. I dabbed a piece of glue in place to keep it from floating away. Does the original stopper have something to do with this working properly?

Andrew (and Patrick)
Only thing I can imagine in the inside of the pole that the float slides on was damaged. Roger should be on in the next day or two again I believe, as he will be back from Germany soon, I am sure he will have the answer for you once he gets caught back up.
I would agree with Shawn, I think the best bet is to send in the controller for repair.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753

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