Hi Roger,
I'm from the UK but hope you can hel me out.
I've had a osmalator for about 3years and worked fine. Recently, the pump stopped working so I just went out and purchased a new one. The new one was a little different to the older one in that the old one had a rubber tube to which you would connect the osmalator hose too. The new one does not have this and you just connnect the hose directly to the pump.
Anyway, all seemed ok at first but after just 1.5 weeks the pump seems to have stopped pumping - the sensor notes water level low but the pump does not pump water. I'm guessing this is a pump fault again or could the control box be faulty. THen I read this thread and note that you have to adjust the voltage if you use a new pump on a older model osmalator. Is is possible I have damaged the pump in not adjusting the voltage or worse has it damaged the control box.
Any help or advise would be very much apreciated. When I bought the pump I was not advised to switch the voltage so just connected it up directly.