Tunze Osmolator Troubleshooting


New member
Just got it and set it up today. It initially started pumping freshwater into the tank even though the water level was slightly above the sensor. The water level rose to about the top of the sensor. About an hour later, I heard the warning alarm go off. It was pumping fresh water into the system and the water level had risen to the top of the safety sensor.

I'm running a sumpless system with both sensors in the display tank. The water level sensor is below the safety sensor per the directions. Why did it initially pump water in even though the water level was above the sensor? Why did it later pump in more water, setting off the water level alarm? What am I doing wrong here?

The unit is currently unplugged and I'm going to take some water out of the tank in the morning to get the water level back below the sensor. But I can't leave it on while I'm at work until I get this figured out. I always seem to have the worst luck with the initial set up of tunze products.
Sounds like a common problem when new. When new the plastic attracts bubbles to the sensor. The eye cannot see the difference between the bubbles and being out of the air. Give the eye a soak and gentle wash in warm midly soapy water and this will speed up the process and keep the bubbles at bay.
As Shawn said, this is not uncommon with a new osmolator, as long as the safety sensor is properly installed there should be no risk. Plastic is hydrophobic by nature and repels water and attracts air and it takes a couple days for this property to diminish. You can do this immediately with a rinse with hot soapy water or a soak in vinegar. If this continues after a few days, please let me know.