Tunze placement in a peninsula tank


I have two Tunze 6105s that I changed placement to about half way up my 120 gallon (4'x2'x2') peninsula tank, facing straight forward (maybe a little down tilt, but no side tilt). I am noticing that the detritus is more suspended in the water and moving towards the overflow than when they were 2/3 of the way up the tank, facing slightly up and towards the opposite corner of the tank. I'm not sure though, that this is the best for corals on the far end, as far as flow.

I can't move them down anymore without moving some corals because an Undata is growing pretty nicely next to/below the left Tunze.

The flow looks something like this:

If I point the pumps down more, I think I'll get more of an updraft and a complete circular motion upward, is that correct?

My other question is about my Tunze programming in my Apex. In other tanks with controllable powerheads, I see the LPS behaving with a "waving" motion. What kind of programming where the Tunzes are on the same size creates this effect, and is it beneficial?

Here is my programing:

[ FrontTunze ] ( base_Var3 )
If Outlet Sunrise = ON Then AM-PULSE
If Outlet Daytime = ON Then Flush
If Outlet Sunset = ON Then PM-PULSE
If Outlet Nighttime = ON Then Flush
If FeedA 000 Then Feed
If FeedC 000 Then OFF

[ BackTunze ] ( base_Var4 )
If Outlet Sunrise = ON Then Flush
If Outlet Daytime = ON Then DAY-PULS
If Outlet Sunset = ON Then Flush
If Outlet Nighttime = ON Then PM-PULSE
If FeedA 000 Then Feed
If FeedC 000 Then OFF

Synchronize: Disable
Divide By 10: Disable
Initial Off Time: 0
On Time: 2
Off Time: 1
Minimum Intensity: 30
Maximum Intensity: 60

Synchronize: Disable
Divide By 10: Disable
Initial Off Time: 0
On Time: 2
Off Time: 1
Minimum Intensity: 30
Maximum Intensity: 85

Synchronize: Disable
Divide By 10: Disable
Initial Off Time: 0
On Time: 2
Off Time: 1
Minimum Intensity: 30
Maximum Intensity: 45

[ Flush ]
Synchronize: Disable
Divide By 10: Disable
Initial Off Time: 0
On Time: 55
Off Time: 5
Minimum Intensity: 30
Maximum Intensity: 50

Is 1-2 seconds too much for the pulse to create the back and forth motion?
I can't help much with the Apex, I have only ever used our controllers. In general for a back and forth wave type motion you will need a timing in fractions of a seconds, like .35-.45 (this is the approximate range you would get a wave in a 4ft 120). You need to find the resonance frequency and this is a very precise time, down the hundreths of a second and as unique to each tank based on dimensions and layout.

A very slight downward tilt might help with the pattern you are trying to get but I would then be concerned about reduced surface movement and possibly disturbing the sand, you would just have to try it.
To create a wave, should I have both pulse at the same time/frequency or still do flush on the one and pulse on the other?
If both are on the same side they should pulse on and off at the same time, generally the biggest wave will be possible with one on each side opposed to each other and opposite timing so one is off when the other is on and the timing is the same.
Is there a benefit to a wave water motion vs. pulse/flush alternating?

Looking to get the corals on the front end of the peninsula some more flow.
The ideal is to use both, but if I had to pick one it would be pulse. Since the wave flow lacks any direction and things just wash back and forth and hover, it is not the best and exporting waste to the filters/skimmers. It does however look natural (a bit fast in smaller tanks) and it can get to every nook and cranny.
I tried the wave motion, but I have a external siphon overflow and it was making my durso pump go crazy with the uneven water levels

I suppose a smaller wave that just rocks the water back and forth would be good, but I do get movement and a nice circular pattern with my pulse/flush alternating program right now.
What would be the optimal/best performing placement for two Tunze 6105 pumps in a peninsula tank. Even if there is one on the front side, is it better to have them facing each other, like in a one sided viewing tank?
The optimal will almost always be one in each back corner aimed diagonally across the tank in an X and alternating the pumps every few hours, one can be on at a lower power or off while the other pulses. This alternates the direction of flow which keeps detritus from accumulating.
Is it ok to have the minimum intensity for the Tunze programming at 0 ?

Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 100

Or should the minimum intensity be no less than 30.

Minimum intensity 30
Maximum intensity 100

I know it shouldnt be run at less than 30