Tunze Silence 1073 - how silent?


New member
I picked up a 1073.040 to use as a return for my 100. Its in the living room, so I'm trying to cut out as much noise as I can. While the Tunze is much quiter than my old mag 7, there is still a decent amount of hum. It is not close to silent.

I'm just curious if this is normal operation, or mine could be defective. Thanks.
It should be the quietest pump on the market, we compared it to all of the competition, including Mag and Eheim and felt it was equal or better than all of them in noise, but it still may produce some noise depending on the install, rigid pipe will increase noise, as will the pump being against a hard surface. It likely will quiet down further in time as it takes a few days for the air to work itself out of the pump completely.
Sounds good. Thanks for the quick response. I'll let it run for a while and see how it settles in. It is definately tolerable.

If anyone else is considering this product, I did not mean to imply that it was loud. It beats the pants off my mag. Onomatopoetically, it was a buzz vs a hum. And I guess everything has to make some noise.

As a bonus, it uses much less electricity than the mag pump.