Tunze Silence PRO Pump 1073.110


New member
I'm looking into replacing my two current return pumps with one Tunze Silence PRO Pump 1073.110.

I have a 180 gallon aquarium with 2 x 3/4" returns.

I currently have 2 x Marineland 5500 (rated at 1385gph each). The returns are also split to also feed a 40 gallon frag tank and my calcium reactor.

I'm thinking about plumbing the Tunze outside the tank using a 1.5" bulkhead from the sump and putting a 1.5" Double WYE on it that then reduces down to 3/4". 2 of those will feed the returns to the tank. The other one will be split again to feed the 40 gallon frag tank and calcium reactor.

What are your thoughts. Will this work. Also it says gas fittings for the pump does that mean I won't be able to use the standard pvc fittings?

Since its not common here is what a Double WYE looks like: http://flexpvc.com/cart/agora.cgi?product=PVC-Wyes-Double
so the top three would all be reduced to 3/4".

My only real concern is that the flow may be too high, the 1073.110 has a lot of pressure, it doesn't drop off as much as many other pumps. I had a customer replace 2 Mag24's with one and the flow as much higher than the two combined after head pressure. Just keep in mind it is likely to be stronger than your two older pumps combined. You also have to be careful to protect it from debris being sucked in as the impeller is more like turbine and can be stripped and damaged by debris like gravel.
Thank you for your help. I purchased the pump. My issue with it is not the flow. The flow seems a little stronger than my previous two. Its also a little noisier than them. The biggest thing I'm dissapointed in is the power consumption. I thought it would be less than my 2 Marineland 5500 but its actually more. I think this is do to the fact it is stated wrong across the web. This was actually the biggest consideration I used when purchasing the pump. I already wrote to Marine Depot to address it but on their website they state it uses 95 to 125w. But when I got it in it says on the product 125 - 152w. So the actual wattage I'm getting is 144w where my other pumps actually used 133w together. So the fact that it uses more power, is slightly more noisy and I only appear to get slightly more flow I am disappointed.

I have attached some pictures in case I am doing anything wrong.

All the pipes and fittings are 1.5" and the long pipe with the holes in it in the sump also has an open end.


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Yes, this is due to 230V vs 115V. The lower numbers pertain to 230V which is more efficient and the higher number is for 115V, I was also not aware of this until today. I have never used the Marineland or most competing pumps so the only info I have is based on feedback from end users. I suspect the noise level will drop substantially over a couple weeks and adding the silicon feet would also make a substantial difference on noise, if you want to keep it I would send a set no charge for the mistake. There would be nothing I could do about the wattage and if this is your primary concern, since our listing data was wrong, I asked Marine Depot to be willing to take it back and update the listing for the future.
Thank you for your quick response. I plan on keeping the pump especially after I spend all that time plumbing it in. I have the silicon feet but took them off after they kept falling off. I have the pump sitting on top of 2 styrofoam sheets and it doesn't make any rattling noises so I think in that aspect it is ok. The noise level is just slightly higher than my old pumps and it is acceptable but if it gets quieter in a few weeks which it probably will, I will be happier. Marine Depot was very helpful and I believe they are going to update their information soon. I still believe this is a very good pump but I was just a little dissapointed based on the information I researched. I'll check back in a few weeks just to let others know how its going. Thank you again. You are a great resource to have regarding Tunze products.
So I've had this pump for over 4 years now. Its actually been a very reliable pump for me and I've been quite happy. Its been quite noisy lately and I took it apart and noticed the drive unit is cracked. It still works fine but I guess I should replace it. I looked on Tunze's website and and I can't believe its $180 + shipping for that part. Do you know anywhere it might be cheaper?
