Tunze skimmer 9005...or 9010??


New member
Very interested in a tunze skimmer for my 45 gallon cube....... looked into the 9005 but it will be a sps tank....... what size do I need and how do I set up... I have researched the skimmer and the directions seem to be vague..... please advise.

I run a 9005 on a 20g QT tank with very heavy feedings. It does a great job, but on a larger SPS tank I'd go with 9010. The new pumps they come with sound nice.
Will this be in tank or in sump, be aware that if you are not in a hurry and can wait a few weeks, 9006 and 9011 will be replacing the older models, these include magnet holders and a new quieter pump.
As smatter said, mainly quieter, they use about the same amount of power + or - 1 or 2 watts depending on the model of motor. They don't have the brake shoes and this eliminates a lot of the noise issues.
The first ones are due in late next week. The price will be about $10 more as a magnet holder is included in place of the mounting rails.
The 9010 is a good bit stronger than the 9005 and just as quiet, technically you only need the 9010.015 motor and a 0235.120 impeller to upgrade, these two parts will cost about $120.
Oh, I thought he just wanted to swap the 9010 pump for the 9011. I upgraded my 9005 with the parts you suggested. It was a significant increase in performance.
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The impeller blades are bigger and the motor has a stronger coil, both would have to be changed. If noise is the main reason to change, I would wait for the 9011 motor and 9011 drive unit to be available, these will be quieter.
thanks Roger.real quick.does the skimmer pump come in contact with the 9010 bottom plate?Ive tried to get it higher w/ no luck.
The impeller blades are bigger and the motor has a stronger coil, both would have to be changed. If noise is the main reason to change, I would wait for the 9011 motor and 9011 drive unit to be available, these will be quieter.