Tunze stream + wavebox for 180


New member
I have an Oceanic 180 bow front glass tank (72 inches long by 18 inches wide [plus the bow] and 29 inches deep). It has two conner overflow boxes. There is a 30 g sump that returns about 1000- 1500 gph via a manifold along the upper back wall of the tank. I plan a reef tank with LPS, some SPS and clams. I am thinking of a 2-3 inch sand bed of "sugar fine" aragonite. I am interested in the wave box idea.

What combinations of Tunze streams +/- wave box would you suggest. Which controllers?

I have read about concerns of "sand storms" from the increased flow ffrm the Tunze streams. Should I be worried about this? Choose a different sized sand?

Thank you for your thoughts,

If you want to have a DSB just let it establish for a few weeks with just the wavebox before adding the Streams or any corals. I would get 2 6000's and a multicontroller as this is most suitable for the inhabitants you want, if you get a sandstorm throttle down the pumps and keep them clean until the water is clear.