Tunze suggestions...


Equipment Junkie
Premium Member
Before I buy a pair of 6105's and a controller, would I be getting what I need for a 185 gallon tank with the following dimensions:

60" x 30" x 25" - It's a Deep Sea Aquatics 185 Pro

It would depend on what you want to keep to a point but, in all likelihood I think it would be a good choice. If you decided to widen the flow a bit you could simply purchase two front housings from the 6125/6205s which would help cover the 30" width more evenly. But with the tank being only 60" I don't think you would need the 6205 pumps themselves in most cases. Only need I could see would be for some grown in SPS dominant tanks only having two pumps total IMO.

I am sure Steve will chime in as well and may have some thoughts
Thanks Shawn... I was hoping that I could do something like that. If I can place them in the back next to the overflows, I'd be set. Now I guess it's time to start shopping. :)

You can set them to 12V if you need less flow, full power for SPS, I think that would be a good choice.

Out of curiosity, when do you expect to have the 6105's be in stock and what would the 6205 front housing cost for each one?

At the end of the week we will have received enough to fill all of our backorders with dealers, however we won't have them in stock and it is likely dealers will have a very few unsold units and will be sold out within a few days of receiving them. Basically, get an order in now, they are unlikely to be readily available as we have fallen way behind. I would try them out before changing the shroud, but the 6205.13 costs $43 and some change.
I'm getting some 6105's too on my 180 gallon to go along with a couple of 6101's. I can't find any info on the 6205 shrouds though, what do they look like and do you have a link to them on the tunze site? What would you suggest would be the best layout of the 4 pumps?
arent the 6105s uncontrollable tho? they arent under the controllable pumps in each section on your sight Roger. i was told 6105s would work better than 6055s on a 75g SPS dominated but i thought the 6105s arent controllable.