Tunze wave box


New member
I have a 125 rectangle with corner overflows on both sides of the tank. Will a wave box work on my setup?
It will work, but, you will have more splashing noise as the water enters the overflows and the wave will be shorter as a result of the loss of energy from spilling into the overflows. To some extent a durso or stockman pipe will help with both issues.
Ok thanks. I'm not looking for a big wave I don't even want to really have the water level go that far below the bracing on top of my tank. I have the overflow set high enough that noise shouldn't be a problem. Would I be better off with the 6215 or the 6208?
6208 will definitely do the job, at a minimum you want 1" from the water line to the edge of the tank.
Hey I bought a used 6212. It has the old version pump and it is really loud. I took the whole pump apart to clean it and the inner bearing is a little chewed. How would I go about getting a replacement? I'd like to replace both the inner and the outer bearings just to try and quiet it down as much as possible. It sounds a little like a washer machine right now.
My best guess is you may also be missing the foam sleeve, 6212.300, people often removed these with the misunderstanding that it was a prefilter, it is not, when installed correctly, no water passes through it and its only job is to keep the pump from making any hardsurface contact. If I was to replace these bearings, I would get a full drive unit which includes them, it will be your best bet, 6200.700, you can order any parts on tunze.com, the bearings are parts 3000.610, 3000.612, 3000.620.
Yeah I'm missing the foam sleeve. I improvised and used some sponge and a zip tie haha. The pump makes noise even when I just hold it in the tank outside the box. If the drive unit includes the bearings I'll just order that. Thanks for the response.
Hey Roger,
I've been running the wavebox with that new drive unit and bushings and I just noticed that there is a sort of clicking sound coming from the pump when it's powered on. It almost sounds like its scraping or something. Any thoughts?
I have 2 Tunze waveboxes that I have been running for several years. I have a 300 with 2 corner overflows. I have a nice wave running without spash over the overflow. It's worked great for me
The one that I have right now is working great. I'm just concerned by the scraping sound coming from the pump. It's really annoying too haha.
It's only when the pump is running. You can only here it when you are in front of the front glass. I can't here it from above the box.
If you can only hear it in very close proximity to the tank, it may just be the normal pump noise, but if it is an obnoxious scraping/grinding, my first guess would be the front propeller housing is not completely secured on the pump.
Sorry I had a busy few days haha. I took the suction housing off and the o-ring is stretched to the point that it takes a lot to get the housing back on. Could that be what's causing the sound?
The oring just goes on the front snout inside the box, it is a tight fit but that should not cause it, the usual issue is the front housing not being fully clicked into the motor, check that the gap is even where the two halves meet and that it doesn;t get knocked loose when reinstalling it in the box.
I meant the orange o-ring that goes between the suction housing and the motor was stretched so it is hard to get the suction housing to go on the motor piece. Also the retaining plate does not line up flush to the rest of the box. I think the guy I bought it from may have broken it and then glued it crooked.
OK, it is an older style one, a 6212. My ideas don't apply in that case. I would be sure the foam ring is installed around the back of the motor, part 6212.300 and this should not cover the pump intake. I would also consider a new drive unit 6200.700 as another way to reduce noise as the pump would be at least 4 years old. The bottom lid of these was made by hand, the cut out notch was glued onto the bottom plate and they were not a perfect fit but this should not have too much bearing on noise issues.