Tunze waveboxes not working


New member
I am currently using a wavebox and extension in my 600. For whatever reason both pumps stopped working. They have only been running about 4-5 months now and still look new. I took them apart to make sure the O-ring and round spacer was seated properly with no luck. There is no sign of corraline buildup or anything. The controller is lighting up properly and the lights on the transformers are on. I have tried just about everything I can think of with the cables to make sure they are making a good connection. Im at a loss. Anything else I can try????

FWIW, these pumps are the 6261 pumps with the new black transformers not the big round ones and silver boxes. Not sure if it makes a difference. Also I am using the 24v in the transformers.
Do the pumps run when you disconnect the controller? It would likely be the pumps or the controller, most likely a stuck or water damaged foodtimer button if it was the controller.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15031920#post15031920 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
Do the pumps run when you disconnect the controller? It would likely be the pumps or the controller, most likely a stuck or water damaged foodtimer button if it was the controller.

No they do not. The food timer light goes on/off like it should, so I am not sure if there is an issue with it. Kind of odd that both pumps would go out at the same time though??? Should I send both pumps and the controller just in case??? You think there could be an issue with the photocell maybe??? I guess it could be keeping my pumps off.
If you disconnect the controller and they still don't work, we can rule out the photocell. I would send the pumps and controller just to be on the safe side.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
6261 has no driver, I assume you meant the power supplies? I don't need those since they likely work given the controller gets power and they light up.
Yeah sorry, I meant power supply which I assume is actually a step down transformer. Ok I will get them out to you. Thanks
My wife got them today.... I will try them out this weekend when I get home and let you know how they are working.
