turbinaria reniformis


New member
Hi quick question does anybody keep turbinaria reniformis in a sps tank predominantly acropora.
Also how would it perform in a low nutrient environment but with high food input.

Many thanks Justin
I keep a T. stellulata (old school Tyree-LE) in an SPS tank. It seems to grow faster when the tank is "dirtier," but does just fine with low nutrients, as long as I am feeding regularly. I don't target feed anything, so it makes due with what it grabs.

Hope that helps,
Thanks for that Ed very helpful.
What I am thinking of doing is fragging something like turbinaria reniformis into lots of small pieces and placing them in amongst the acros to give the tank a more natural real reef look?
I wonder if this would work? I thought about over species the obvious one being monties, but there to invasive.
Any suggestions?

Thanks Justin
That could be an interesting look, but I would be concerned with the available "real estate" for your acros. Once the reniformis gets established they can grow large and the plates can take up a decent amount of space. I do agree that it looks more "natural" to have several clusters of the same species, but I would consider limiting that to just a couple/few chunks instead of "lots" of small pieces. There's really no "right" or "wrong" way to go about this, but I would consider the long term space implications with that idea.

Thanks yes very true I had considered this problem. I'm thinking that the turbinaria reniformis if it starts to encroach could be controlled fairly easy by snapping the individual folds off. I have never kept it so I'm unsure whether it encrusted like monties do. If it does it would be no good.
I have a turbinaria in my 40 breeder. It's close to 12" across. It grows fairly flat so I use it as a table to glue acro frags to.