turf algae prob....

Hey SaltwaterSensei,

I think it really depends on what species of algae it is. It might be more beneficial for you to first see what is causing the algae to grow. Nitrates and phosphtes in the water are the primary food for algae. Do you use RO or another type of purified water to mix your saltwater? Do you use a high quality brand of salt? Could you be over feeding? Lettuce nudibranchs feed on some algae that are called "turf algae" but often do not do well in captivity. Emerald crabs eat some algae but may turn on your fish or other animals. Same thing with hermit crabs.

I wish you luck!
I have no fish so I don't feed the tank except for the corals...Ise ro and I use NSW....I have no other algae probs except tis and its only on on rock....hmmm......
if the phos was high wouldn't a more common like algae grow first rather thean a turf ? some thing more like diatoms or hair?
I'm not sure I can answer that question. I know that diatoms don't care much about phosphates but they love silicates and nitrates. Maybe Bill or horge can add some insight.

Hey Bill and horge help!! :D

Kevin, you call for help and when I get down here...both my wife and daughter are now up :eek2: I'll have to check back in later tonight ;)
SaltwaterSensei said:
p.s. the turf is only growing on one rock...

its marshall island fwiw

Then IMO you need to take that rock out of your tank before it has a chance to spread. I use an eyebrow plucker on algae such as this. Dig down into the rock to remove any trace of the algae, dip rock in a bucket of salt water, and repeat. Next weekend when you see that you didn't get it all, simply repeat the removal method until its gone.
thanks steve I was planing on doing this as well.... would a tuxedo urchin have any affect on this particular algae? I'm getting one for display purposes(because they look cool not because of algae, if they do eat it all the merrier)

I just did a 20 gallon water change as well...literally 30-45 minutes ago....
Turf algaes can be tricky once established. They seem to create thier own micro climates to promote thier own growth. Basically the reduced water flow around the turf allows detritus to settle in and add to the localized (just around the turf) nutrient levels. Finding grazers can be tricky for some as well. Generally speaking small hermits and emerald crabs are the best for turfs. Some urchins such as the tuxedo can be usefull as well.

Since it's restricted to one rock at the moment, my inclination would be to place it in a small nano set up. In that you can try the urchin you want to see if it eats it, while at the same time keeping it from spreading in case the urchin doesn't consider it edible ;)
SaltwaterSensei said:
would a tuxedo urchin have any affect on this particular algae?

Maybe, but not on purpose LOL. My experience with urchins is that they are more interested in ingesting the rock itself (and coraline algae) and that they will eat other types of algae if it happen to get in the way.
SPC said:
Maybe, but not on purpose LOL. My experience with urchins is that they are more interested in ingesting the rock itself (and coraline algae) and that they will eat other types of algae if it happen to get in the way.

actually yea thats what I wanted the tux for originally before this whole turf thing...was to eat up the coralline algae. I do have some scarlet reef hermits I think about 10-12 of them (the only ones I trust quite frankly) and some large turbo snails. I plac the turbo snails on the stuff and they seem to munch at it but I think its to rough for them to chew on because they just "clean" the algae free of other crap...

Well as I said I did a 20 gal NSW water change and took the rock out and gave it some long hard elbow grease. Its sitting in a bucket of new NSW with a power head and a heater I'm not sure how long I'm planning on kepping it in there....

Thanks for the help guys this is my tanks first algae "problem" (more of a extra thing to do more then anything its not unsilghtly to the non reef spectators, just me knowing its now nessisarily supposed to be there) since it was set up last turkey day.....:)