Two Faced


New member
Just want to share a picture of a few of my Two Faced or Nuclear Deaths

Those are nice. Did you buy them? Im not sure Ive seen a single polyp priced as high as those. One website was selling them for up to $250/polyp for the highest grade.
I have always loved your 4g. Can you post updated pics of it?

Just how do you grade a zoa?
The grading comes down on the two face to how much color is on each paly. For example the one in the middle of the pic with almost half green half purple would be graded higher than the one in the lower left hand corner which is just a bit of green on the purple.

Did those morph naturally for you or did you buy them?
So 50-50 is an A and 90 - 10 a D or whatever the scale/grade is for them?

I remember someone posting this back and it was sort of a joke/fun experiment.

Very interesting Mr. Bond.
I have heard of people who cut the palys in half and try to "glue" them together with some success. I have never seen it done so i don't know how successful people have been. That is why I was curious if it was a natural morph or doctored. I think they are pretty cool, but the price tags is a little ridiculous because as you can see it is not a stable morph. I have my nuclear greens and purple deaths on the same rock, so maybe one day I will get a natural one.
Those are nice. Did you buy them? Im not sure Ive seen a single polyp priced as high as those. One website was selling them for up to $250/polyp for the highest grade.

I got this nuclear death that if I were to sell them and make them I would sell them for $40 for 1 and would be happy any less I wouldn't bother selling

it can be a little time consuming with a little extra effort then the regular propagation of paly's plus the supply is limited


B grade??
I have always loved your 4g. Can you post updated pics of it?
Thanks, but I had to sell it because I had too many tanks and a new baby was on the way

Did those morph naturally for you or did you buy them?
They morphed naturally and I started out with only one of each

Wow those things r sweet do u have a pic of the whole colony?
Yes, here are a few more pics


