You definitely can keep more than one shrimp goby/ snapping shrimp pair in a 240. The real issue is what species of shrimp goby you want. There are three genera. They are Amblyeleotris, Cryptocentrus, and Stonogobiops. If you want more than a pair it would be safe to stay away from Cryptocentrus gobies. They tend to bully other bottom dwelling fish. On the other hand Stonogobiops can be reclusive, at least at first; and they probably shouldn't be kept with aggressive or bigger fishes. If you looked up some fish vendors and looked for the genera I listed, you could find the species you like and plan accordingly.
It might take a little bit of searching and studying, but if done right you can keep mutiple shrimp gobies in the same aquarium{ especially with a 240g}.
Here are some hints: Larger snapping shrimp build bigger burrows thereby attracting bigger shrimp gobies.
You can make artificial burrows for your shrimp and gobies with PVC. Drill holes in the pipe so that your sand can get through and let your shrimp do its job.{remember that the bigger the burrow-or PVC- in diameter the bigger the goby it attracts}
Shrimp gobies are picky about which snapping shrimp that they associate with, even though they have been known to associate with shrimp in captivity that they woudn't pair with in the wild.
Good Luck!!