tyree red dragon......

Back on topic, I think its a "Beauty in the eye of the beholder" deal. Kind of like the fact that some of us like The MonaLisa and others don't.

Yes I agree but comparing MonaLisa to a coral is obviously unfair. For example, if I spend $15K on a car, it will still be the same car 10 years down the road as long as I am reasonable with maintenance. There is a guarantee that my car wouldn't turn into a bike. Corals, however, are highly dependent on environment such as flow, lighting and nutrient. Not only there is no guarantee that the coral will live, it can turn into something completely different in just a few weeks and never return to the form and color originally bought. So when it comes to high-end or "LE" corals that you spend lots of money on, it's something to think about and consider.
Anyone got a pic?

There are a few floating around. A quick search yields the followings:




And the nicest one I have seen. It belongs to 250G:


Coloration varies (like every other corals).
There is a guarantee however that you can NEVER get a positive return on your investment of a car (other than the use of said car over it's life expectancy), obviously old collectors cars are an exception, maybe. But play your cards right and you can get your coral for free (assuming of course you don't kill it, it grows, and it still looks desirable to someone).
Compare: LA pink panther (~ 4" across), 4 years of growth from 1" frag



Forget the Red dragon which I heard grows like a weed.....Def not deserving of the high price just from the fact it grows so fast and there is so much of it around. I remember at least 4-5 vendors selling it on another site...

However, ^^^^^^this coral is insane and you my friend have the nicest colony I've ever seen! Great job with the PP man, I can only hope my mini colony look slike that one day. This coral grows slower than molasses and is worth the $$$. Red dragon however doesn't hold a candle to it.....
Why are people so crazy for this coral, I think its one of the fugliest acros ever and it sells for crazy money. I just dont get in this hobby sometimes when you slap that name on there people go crazy.... just unreal. Am i the only one that thinks that its ugly? I bet if that frag wasnt named put into a frag tank at a lfs with other "LE's" around it people wouldnt look twice at it, darn thing is ugly!!!

I personally think this is one of the nicest corals I have ever seen and I too had my eye on it even before it became a Tyree LE.

You can compare corals to dog breeds. Some people look for that super rare purebred dog breed (similar to LE corals) and are willing to pay a higher price to know exactly what they are getting and how to best take care of it while others think they are not worth it and would rather go with adopting a stray dog from the animal shelter. Both have ups and downs. However, I like having high end coral in my tank because we already know their best tank placement, growth patterns, growth rate, colors, etc, etc. The cheaper wild-harvested coral is, of course, beautiful but I have a very hard time finding ones that are very unique and will stand out in my tank. I also prefer knowing what to expect in growth patterns and tank placement. Prices skyrocket for LE corals because of the high demand for it. Not too many people have this coral yet. I am sure the price will go down eventually but for those who must have this coral right now, it will cost more.

As far as the Red Dragon Acropora, I am getting my hands on it asap and am willing to pay $200 an inch because I have seen its color and growth pattern and know that I will have a gorgeous rare acropora colony (in my opinion) growing in my tank.
I received a PM request for further information on the LA Pink Panther coral, so I thought that I would respond in the open forum in case there were others with similar interests.

The colony resides about 23" below a 175W 15K Iwasaki bulb (~ 13" below the water); the PAR reading via an Apogee meter (which always reads a little low) at the coral surface is 150 uE/m2. It is not in the direct path of any pump's flow, and so I would characterize it's flow environment as "modest". The PP is by far my slowest growing coral, but in general my corals are slow growing, perhaps as a consequence of the fact that I run my tank at 73 - 75 oF. The PP is a much slower grower than, for example, the Purple Monster under the same tank conditions. I have never been able to successfully frag this coral despite many attempts over the years. The closest to success that I have achieved thus far is by fragging a piece and placing it on top of the colony while it heals up, which takes ~ 6 months to reform the coral skin over the break. Unfortunately, these "healed" pieces have not yet survived either gluing to a frag plug in my tank, or overnight shipping either glued or unattached.

The PP was hand collected by LA's Kevin Kohen from a steep wall on the outside of a reef in Fiji in about 80 - 100 feet of turbid water. The implication (to me) is that lower light and nutrient richness might be indicated/tolerated. My tank is not particularly nutrient rich, with [PO4] at < 0.02 ppm, [NO3] ~ 2 - 5 ppm, and [DOC] = 0.5-0.8 ppm. I run [Ca] at 400 - 430 ppm, [Mg] = 1300 - 1400 ppm, and [alk] = 3.8 - 4.3 meq/L. I don't use (and never have used) any additives other than those contributed by a calcium reactor, and I use continuous GAC/GFO.

Hope that this info helps

The Pink Panther Acro is one of my favorite, not many have a nice size colony of it like that due to how frakin slow it grows. Kudos to you Ken, the coral obviously likes your tank.
I really like this piece. And like as has been already mentioned, I wasn't willing to pay the "going" price for a frag either. But I did manage to get a nice small piece from a fellow RC member here.

Here is a pic of his colony:


Mine seems to be a fast grower since I've had it for a couple of months. And as stated the branches are very thin and delicate. I swear they would break if you look hard enough at it!

Here is another pic of the red dragon that shows more of the red color. I think I found this on another red dragon thread here on RC.

One of my favorite corals in the display (6-7" branches now)

Everything I've heard from other reefers is that this coral grows extremely fast, in a wide range if conditions. Pics of colonies like this one prove that fact. That alone makes the going rate seem a bit ridiculous being that it grows so quickly and is seemingly very hardy. This isn't the purple monster in terms of growth and sensitivity; so why the inflated prices still?
Price = Supply/Demand. Although the RD seems to be pretty hardy and decent grower, folks like me are hesistant to frag the mother colony because the colony looks so nice. Once there are more larger colonies there will be more frags that will cost less. So you either pay more now or wait and pay less. Pretty simple actually.
why are people so crazy for this coral, i think its one of the fugliest acros ever and it sells for crazy money. I just dont get in this hobby sometimes when you slap that name on there people go crazy.... Just unreal. Am i the only one that thinks that its ugly? I bet if that frag wasnt named put into a frag tank at a lfs with other "le's" around it people wouldnt look twice at it, darn thing is ugly!!!

get another hobby......
Prices have come way down since the thread was started. But, either way....beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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