U.S. Fish Embargo!


New member

I wanted to alert aquarists in the United States regarding an email I received this morning, I’m not sure if anyone else got this as well:


March 31, 2009
To: Jay Hemdal
Curator of Fishes

Dear Mr. Hemdal,

I wanted to bring to your attention that there is a little-known gar, Atractosteus figurado from Cuba that is highly endangered. Reaching only perhaps 9” in length, this dark brown gar is virtually extinct in the wild. Reasons include habitat loss and over-fishing. Although these gars are not palatable, many people dry them out and then burn them like candles, apparently for the aroma their oily flesh exudes. They are also the only species of gar that has a completely marine range, never venturing into freshwater. Due to their small size, I think this species would be a perfect candidate for a survival plan for the Marine Fishes TAG., but they are not allowed entry into the U.S. under any circumstances due to your trade embargo with Cuba. This needs to end right now, so please help me in getting this ridiculous law changed, write your congressmen and tell them you want restrictions lifted so you can bring these sea gars into the United States!


Julieta Panatela
Habanos S.A.


So what do you folks think? I read about this species in a 1950’s issue of Aquarium Magazine, so apparently aquarists in years gone by were able to acquire them, but even FishBase doesn’t list them now, although the email says that they are not yet extinct. I for one will do what Julieata asks and see if we can get things changed so we can once again bring these Cuban sea gars into the United States!

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This is NOT an april fools joke. See the link for the full story but its a bill that calls for the banning of the importation, sales and trading of NON-native species...which encompasses f ish, lawn c orals, hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets etc. This will force almost every pet store/wholesaler in the country to close. They are trying to slip this bill past while the country is busy with financial crisis' and wars. Again, this is NOT a prank.

Hi Jay,

A coworker saw that on the aquatic info list earlier today. We were thinking that as an accredited university marine lab, we might actually be able to pull some strings and get a breeding program going for those. Seems they are highly sought after when dried, and as a result, a good breeding program should not only be self sustaining, but bring in much needed funds for overall lab operations. We just need to sell this idea to our Dean :bum: