Uglyman's Experiment

Thanks for those tank shots mate, you obviously know what you're doing :)

Looking forward to seeing how you build this magnetic weir thingy - i'm still worried lol.

You don't need to worry Biggles I do lol.

Meh if it works great, if it doesn't no biggy I can just silicone it and move on :D

I may put up a 3D render I have of the weir design so everyone can see how it will look.
I have family in both America and Germany so can always have samples sent off through them. But there are rumours that a Triton testing lab will be established here in Oz.

That would be ace, lets hope the rumours are true. Following with interest.
Grinding the welds down on the stand to get it prepped for the powder coaters, I should have it sent out tomorrow if I get enough sleep after night shift lol.

Latest piece of equipment for the project.


It will be mounted under the house along with the RO reservoir and chiller so noise wont be in issue.
Great build so far, I have those magnets and a brand new weir.
Going to use ideas that just sprung to mind after you mentioned router.
Can't wait to see your results.