Ultra Mega (Outdoor Saltwater Fish Tank and Freshwater Lake)


New member
Hello Everyone,

Before I start, I would like to introduce myself. I'm Battie Bill Watter, people know me as Ben. I live in the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi City (It is the Capital of the UAE). I'm 23 year-old and I work in Commercial Logistic as an Inventory Control Officer (ICO). In addition to that I also study as a part time student in Engineering Management . I live with my Parents for the time being but only until my house is built. My mother is useless, doesn't do anything at all and My father works in the army soon to retire! My dad has huge fresh water fish tanks, 5 of which are at least 570,611.6 USG each or so, it looks like one huge tank with dividers for different ages of fish but me I have two fish tanks, one as 10 gallon (saltwater) and the other one is 1320 gallon (Saltwater as well, however, not utilized for whatever reason, anything I put in this large tank dies the next day) so I have made up my mind since I have a vast area in front of the house I'm building. I have decided to invest some money in a huge outdoor saltwater fish tank, a huge lake for my bigmouth sea bass to fish from (I have a holding tank around 550,000 Gallon (it is used to irrigate trees and plants), I keep my Bigmouth Bass in it for the time being until the lake is done) and finally my Koi fish pond to admire the color of the fish and meditate around.

I got so many plans and ideas (Fish Tank, Lake, Pond, Aviary Cage etc) to start with I'm investing so much money in different stuff made me realize that I haven't progress anything and not gone anywhere and in fact it made me feel I have done nothing but wasting money.

So far I have done the following:

Freshwater Lake and Koi-Fish Pond:
I've Dug almost 6m down in a slope-wise, the width of the lake is around 30m and the length is precisely 50m. It will hold around 1,981,290 USG. There is an island in the middle of the lake, around 10m to 7m. The Koi-fish pond is 80m away from the lake and there will be a water stream running from the pond to the lake (Kinda like a river) The river is around 3m wide but there are twist and turns and some parts of the channel is narrowed up to 1.8m and other parts go up to 5m wide. The pond would be feeding the lake with water (The pond will be connected to the holding tank) the Holding tank gets water from Underground water every three days.

The size of the pond is unknown, Holding "œUnknown" Gallon

The Outdoor Saltwater fish tank:
It is located 25m away from the Lake and I want to know how many meters away from the house I'm building. I've only dug a meter below for the foundation of the tank, it will be elevated and the height of it would go up to 4m. The depth of the tank is around 10m and the length is almost 30m. it will hold around 593,095.5 USG of Saltwater, there will be huge live rocks along the center of the tank to reprieve water stress towards the glass.

The Glass Type is Unknown
The Size of the Glass is also Unknown
The thickness of the glass is unknown as well

Here where I need some help from the experts!!
I have some pictures that are available on my Facebook profile , however I will upload some here as well to help you follow up with what I have done so far (by the end of this day)

Pictures of the Lake and tank, progress so far, some blue prints , designs and so!

PS: Both projects are pending, help me decide which one should I go for and complete first! I'm leaning more towards the lake, since my bigmouth fish are suffering ithe holding tank and in addition I need to clear and clean it after the house is completely done which is around next month hopefully.

People of Reef Central!
Your help is appreciated

Wait for me to upload the photos!
What is going on in the UAE?! Man these project tanks are unbelievable! Glad someone is doing them. What a dream gig. Can't wait to see the photos.
And this is why Abu Dhabi is the best place on earth. I cant wait to visit the UAE. The country has a lot of debt but they have amazing attractions there.
Sounds interesting, and I like the fact that you are using some water to supply another,, keep it coming

Thank you very much :)

What is going on in the UAE?! Man these project tanks are unbelievable! Glad someone is doing them. What a dream gig. Can't wait to see the photos.

The place here is a desert, so i decided to create my own environment
I'm uploading them this minute they should be available soon :)

It must be hard having all that money. Good luck
I work for the money I make, I took 7 years of education to achieve this level
However I don't see myself building all the stuff that I want at once! It is hard and very expensive so the project might take for at least a year or 16 months to be completed :(

Wow, that's quite a project you are undertaking! Have you thought of using acrylic instead of glass?
Yes I was reading about it!
I think I will go for acrylic instead ^^
Thnx :beer:

And this is why Abu Dhabi is the best place on earth. I cant wait to visit the UAE. The country has a lot of debt but they have amazing attractions there.

I will be your tour guy ;)

You should talk to nahham. He is building a 19,000 gallon aquarium in Dubai.


I saw it, amazing!!
but that place is kinda public to me

I love it, I should contact him sometime and visit his place to see
It must be hard having all that money. Good luck

The money that I get is what I work for, If I had so much money I will just hire someone to do all the job for me. But not, this project will take me at least 12 months to complete

Thanks :)

What is going on in the UAE?! Man these project tanks are unbelievable! Glad someone is doing them. What a dream gig. Can't wait to see the photos.

Thank you :D
I am trying to upload the photos now, they will be up in about soon

Wow, that's quite a project you are undertaking! Have you thought of using acrylic instead of glass?

Yes I was reading about it :D
I think i will go for acrylic

Oh, and welcome to the forum!

Thanks ^^

And this is why Abu Dhabi is the best place on earth. I cant wait to visit the UAE. The country has a lot of debt but they have amazing attractions there.

:fish1: I will be your tour guy ;)

You should talk to nahham. He is building a 19,000 gallon aquarium in Dubai.


Interesting, I was checking his forum!
It would be nice if i give him a visit and checked out his tank :fun2:

Sounds interesting. I am joining the ride

hehe ^^ welcome :)
Here are Some of the photos that I manged to upload:

This is the first lake that was not a success, water was leaking out!


Size Comparison

Front view
Its going to take lots of planning to get what you want right. Not impossoible just do lots of research on the scale of what you planning. Well good luck with your mega lake. I would go for a mega reeftank in your home and leave the freshwater lake outside.
Its going to take lots of planning to get what you want right. Not impossoible just do lots of research on the scale of what you planning. Well good luck with your mega lake. I would go for a mega reeftank in your home and leave the freshwater lake outside.

Hello Zaheda :)
It has been around 4 months now and I'm still trying to plan the perfect Lake and Tank, however, every time I come up an idea, this idea immediately changes my previous plan.


I want the lake to look more natural than artificial, but i am afraid of the leak. Previously, water was leaking out dramaticallythen i decided to stop feeding it and calculate the water loss. Around 50,000 gallon of water evaporated/leaked in only 12 days. This was a waste!

A friend of mine, wants me to put a tarp that will stop water from leaking out, but it is more artificial to me than natural and another contractor told me to put a solid concrete and on top of the concrete I should use more like white sand. (I'm still debating and before deciding I need to do more research and see for myself!)

Your help is appreciated ^^
It is actually Ajman and not Dubai, but as I always say: close enough :). Ajman is the smallest of the seven emirates (states) with a total area of just 260 square kilometers.

Great project. Let me know if you need any help. I am happy to offer whatever little I know :D.

Ajman is pretty far from Abu Dhabi, like 3 hrs?
Anyway, I'm always in Dubai during the weekends to chillax! I wouldnt mind driving few kilometers more to check out your fish tank =^^=

However, I'm putting my attention to the lake first, but once I move to the big fish tank, I will definitely use all the help that I need :)