Unboxing Tampa Bay Saltwater live rock order

Share away...A few have done it here...d2mini,etc...
Experiences of that fantastic product is always welcome..
No videos from me, but I’ll share my experience. I ordered 50lbs of TBS live rock, and arranged for a local pickup. The rock was well packed in fresh saltwater. Very fresh, and just removed from the ocean. My rock smelled fresh, and was teeming with life. My rock came with numerous blue, orange, and yellow sponges which have survived so far. The rocks were teeming with crabs. I removed dozens of gorilla crabs, and still have 2 dozen porcelain crabs which seem harmless. I have a pair of pistol shrimp that I didn’t notice when placing the rock, and hear a constant clicking all day. The rock is GORGEOUS!!! Purple encrusting coralline, barnacles, holes and tunnels. It is very porous, and looks awesome in my aquarium. I was looking at the purple man made rock, and am so glad that I never made that choice. I’d buy from them again in a minute. I experienced little to no cycle, and never had ammonia levels above 0. I was still cautious of adding livestock in anticipation of die off. Never happened.
I don't have a video, but here's some pics.
Well, that was pretty easy. Rock is in the tub. The amount of different colors is amazing. Found quite a few snails and some kind of shrimp, (the wife through it in before I could look at it). It reminds me of some of the rock I got way back when. I'm quite sure I haven't seen half of what will show up. Now understand, I disturbed some sand, so things aren't perfectly clear, but I'll get more as time goes on. So, here's some pics.





Thanks again Richard and Deb. It was a pleasure doing business with you. :)
I should also say, Richard ships very well. Each batch was in three heavy duty bags and full of water. Just opened the box, un did the bags and put it in the tub.