Unclebills is now open

that place is going to be pretty sweet when it is all setup. they have an extrememly nice setup going on.

like mentioned tho, the prices are very great. Klaus has much better pricing of comparable size, and you would think since they ar a bigger scale store they would be cheaper.

nice to have another place to look at stuff that wont live in my tank
I happned to be in the area last week. Stopped in they are Bleak at moment on fish BUT it looks like it might be a place to check out in a couple weeks or mabye a month from now...

i wouldnt be too excited until you see the prices they try to charge ; - )

ide still be more excited to go swing into coral reef
Some of the prices are not bad, some are right on to what we are used to, and some are even a little cheaper. But the COOL fish are a little more than we are used to. THe mystery wrasse is the big one. $189 is $89 more than we are used to.
agreed phil, but from what i have seen when im in there is any larger fish is overpriced compared to what we see newhere else in town

naso tangs of any size in there are at least $40 more than what klaus has had them for since i began looking.

they do have a nice setup, hope their sales tell them that their prices on some things are high and they adjust