Undecided between ghl and neptune

Yes without doubt, BUT if you dont want to jump that high so quickly remember the ProfiLux plus II can be turned into an EX very simply with the addition of the upgrade EX kit
well ok I missed one.... ProfiLux terra. The other one is the base ProfiLux Plus II + EX card :c)

Stephen, any Profilux is a great place to start... just identify your needs now and look at what you will want to get in the future (if your like me it's a min of one of each :c) the just comapre it to the pre package that are available.... if they dont quite meet your needs talk to Micheal he will fix up!
Can you explain web access some more?

Do I just type a web address that I can assign?

You say you need the software, is that just on your home computer or any computer you are using to access your Profilux?
In order to access the controler remotely you need a fiew things (stand networking).

The contoler needs a network adapter, this can be a hard wired or a wireless card. Once you have that, the device needs to be connected to a public network (internet).

Now to access the comtroler you need the software (Profilux Control II) to be installed on a computer. This is free and is downlodable from the GHL site. (it just takes a fiew clicks)

Now me and a fiew other members are working on a web interface (like a web page) where you can view the status of probes and powerbar, plus some nice live graphs... this is work in progress but there are a fiew members/reseler using it :c)

Christian have you tried having the profiLux control on a USB stick and accessing it via that through a network, i know my clients in the UK were doing this (or planning to) last year.

I will try and get more info, but its definately a way forward
I just had a quick look, it would require some work to make it work but it should not be complicated, the regestry setting that are saved in the registry and the user profile could be moved to a more open config file... like a XML document for exemple and all required file could be moved inside the application folder. I havent done a debug on the installer but I know at some point the smtp relay client was copied in the system folder... this might have been rolled up in the ProfiluxControl by now.
All in all it's possible but would require some changes (or some hacks :c) to make this work as a portable application.
...You know where im gowing with my web interface :cP the web is so much flexible in that fasion (portability).

A web page can work on browser (windows, mac, linux) have cool desktop extention like widget and gadget, portable device like Ipaq, Palm, Iphones and Blackberry.


Ok, so if I want to access my aquarium when I'm on vacation, how is this done without a web interface?

If I'm sitting at a computer in the hotel, what steps must be performed to access my Profilux at home when its connected to my home network?

Just trying to get an understanding of this controller as I'm in the market for a new one but I'm unfamilar with some of the features the Profilux has. I used the Aquacontroller III PRO which I just typed in my website address, entered my password and had complete control of all my equipment and could make changes as well.
ok so when you say "I just typed in my website address"...
Do you have a static/dynamic IP address assigned to a domain name? If so the networking part would be the same.

Now the Profilux has ways of being managed. The fist one is physically pressing the buttons on the controller or trough the software. That being said, you have to be able to install the software on the computer in order to gain control at the Profilux controller.

So the steps would be:
- Download software client from GHL site (http://www.ghl-kl.de/Produkte/Aquaristik/Download/ProfiLuxControl II_V4004.exe)
- Install client
- Run Client
- Enter website address in connection setting and connect!

You can actually download and install the client on your computer and go into the "Extra" menu and select "Demo mode", this will enable you to see the feature of the application and maybe gain a better understanding of the functionality and strength of the controller...


Yeah, my AQIII PRO had its own static/dynamic IP address assigned to a domain name.

So can you do the same with the Profilux by assigning it a unique IP address and a assigned domain name correct?

For Example: billsreeftank.com would take me to my AQIII PRO login screen.

Thanks for the input.
yes it's the same, you assign the IP in the Lantronic Xport module the it's publicly accessible to the public. You can also place a PIN to prevent any unauthorized access.
I have a question. If I have a static IP address for my router and I want to connect to the Profilux from outside of my LAN, aren't I able to to enter the IP address of the router in the connection settings and not need to have a domain name?
My thinking was this - If the public static IP of the router was used for the host name, then the router could used port forwarding to connect to the WLAN card. I'm not sure whether to use NAT.
In terms of my LAN the only thing visible to the internet is my router. To access my PF from outside my LAN I have to go through my router. As I understand it, the only way to do this is to set up the router for port forwarding.
Just did some reading - NAT is required and should be native on your connection. DNS forwards traffic to proper IP, internally you will need DNS. Not sure about internet side.