University of Findlay, Ohio Zoanthid Research Project: WE NEED YOUR HELP!

u have some already ?

I dont have gobstoppers. We do however have 8 or so different types of zoanthids. Most of the published papers used 50 or so samples, so we are trying to get as close to that as possible =] I have high hopes. It seems like many people are interested.
Very exciting, wish you the best with testing and results!!

Thank you!

Sorry everyone! I haven't posted in a while. We have all had many midterms this week. I has been hectic lately. :hmm5: for those willing to donate, w hav set u a papal account to pay you for shipping and whatnot. you will receive a pm asking for your information by Friday.

Inc again w are asking for 2 polyps per sample. We will send younger via paypal before you ship.

You can ship any samples straight to the university, an we will be notified upon their arrival.

We have decided that it is cheaper for us to have all the samples shipped as opposed to picking them up. We understand that this may cause you some inconvenience, and we apologize. We have a very limite budget for our project and we will be paying for the samples out of pocket. I hope you understand.

Thank you,
Thank you!

Sorry everyone! I haven't posted in a while. We have all had many midterms this week. I has been hectic lately. :hmm5: for those willing to donate, w hav set u a papal account to pay you for shipping and whatnot. you will receive a pm asking for your information by Friday.

Inc again w are asking for 2 polyps per sample. We will send younger via paypal before you ship.

You can ship any samples straight to the university, an we will be notified upon their arrival.

We have decided that it is cheaper for us to have all the samples shipped as opposed to picking them up. We understand that this may cause you some inconvenience, and we apologize. We have a very limite budget for our project and we will be paying for the samples out of pocket. I hope you understand.

Thank you,

Ahhhhhh i hate autocorrect!
Hello all,

One of my research partners (Courtney) and I will be in East Canton on November 20th through November 25th. Is there anyone in the Akron/Canton/Kent area who will be available during this time? I will send PMs to those who have shown interest.

As a reminder, we are always in the Findlay area and we need many more sample in order to publish.

Thank you for all of your help and advice,


On Monday, we ran a DNA extraction which took us over 8 hours of work in the lab to get it just right. Those zoanthids are tough!

We froze the DNA of our "test run" zoanthids and continued with a gel electrophoresis on Tuesday afternoon. This separates the DNA based on base pair size.

Wednesday we presented a picture of our gel to our research advisor Dr.Wooten, and she said it was one of the best DNA extraditing she has seen in a long time!

We were so excited to hear this!

Over Thanksgiving break, we will be planning a trip to Tidal Gardens in Copley, Ohio about 45 minutes from my house. We hope to come back with many new zoas and palys for testing.

Thank you everyone!
Sunday we fragged 6 more zoas and preserved them.

On Monday, we extracted the new zoanthid DNA.

We are now up to 8 total samples. We need to get to 25 or more to publish. If anyone is interested in helping us out please let me know. You will be formally thanked in our published results.

We all have tests this week (I'm on a biochem studying break lol), so we decided to plan our PCR for Friday afternoon. I will post more pictures soon.

Bad phone picture of the gel, but you get the idea.
We just proved that whammin' watermelons and eagle eyes are the same thing =]
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Over Thanksgiving break, Court and I went to Tidal Gardens.

He was able to give us many many new zoanthids for little or no charge. He is just AWESOME!!!

We have 40 or so types now!

We still need contributions though. We will be doing more research on Friday for sure. I signed up to take 4 credit hours of research at UF, so I will be working in the labs 12hrs + a week.

Like my coral skeleton frag rack?
Hi Jessica and Courtney, it's Than. Best of luck in your project! It's great that you have taken the initiative to do a project like this. Keep us posted on the results.
Thank you so much Than!!! Your contribution to our research means so much to us. We hope to see you again soon. We love your greenhouse!
Jessica and Courtney-If you are near Massillon this month (Christmas break) let me know and I can donate some zoas. Thanks-- and good luck on the project. Sounds so interesting!
Jessica and Courtney-If you are near Massillon this month (Christmas break) let me know and I can donate some zoas. Thanks-- and good luck on the project. Sounds so interesting!

WOW awesome! Thank you so much! I (Jess) will be home for Winter break from the 15th of December to the first or second week in January. Court will be with me for a few days prior to flying home.

I'm going to need to set up another tank after all this is said and done =]
We are all working so hard to study for finals this week! Work keeps piling on, but luckily we have an awesome tank to sit and relax in front of after a long day of studying.

I want to personally thank every single person who has helped us through these first couple of steps in our research! I don't know where we would be without you!

I used to think that the reefing community was full of greedy people just looking to make a buck. Now I know that this couldn't be further from the truth. So many people have reached out and gave their support for us and our research project.

Thank you all!